The idea here at is to make the Hebrew Bible simple for people who want to understand it. What do I mean by "simple"?
I mean that, pedagogically-speaking, my methodology will tend toward Socratic methods and punchy diction . . .
No, just kidding. That kind of writing is not what I mean. By make it simple, I mean bringing the most practically important information to learners who want to have tools to go on and do more. I mean that I will write for non-specialists, people with jobs, moms and dads, singles and marrieds -- real people who want a better experience when they pick up a Bible and read.
First, I've been reading books and articles and doing close readings and research for years in the Hebrew Bible. But my goal at is not to provide academic documentation. My goal is to communicate. I will bring things like history and context to you in simple terms.
Second, I mean that I have been teaching normal people for some time now as a rabbi and public speaker. I get to find out (by failing as well as succeeding) how to make it interesting and memorable. Someone asked me, "Do you mean your teaching is like chocolate-covered brussels sprouts?" Heavens no. I try to make it all chocolate.
Third, I mean that I give thought to ways to make learning stick. I don't throw spaghetti noodle after noodle against the wall. I try to make a perfect plate. Occasional repetition of key points and the use of quizzes reinforce the crucial ideas in each course.
Fourth, I mean that -- whether spaghetti or chocolate -- I give it to you in bite-sized portions. Each class is ten levels of five units each. You only enroll on one level (five units) at a time. If you find you don't like the subject, you're not obligated to keep going. And, as with chocolate, you can chew on each piece as long as you'd like. And, like spaghetti, the parts are intertwined to perfection to make a heaping plate of learning!

Motivation and Insight and Learning

Ancient Bible is here to keep you connected to the Bible with daily motivational and educational postings on Facebook and Twitter. Follow Ancient Bible at:
There are plenty of free helps you can derive from Ancient Bible. The "Free Videos" page, for example, will grow week to week. Perhaps you teach a small group and would find some of these videos to be discussion starters for the group. Perhaps you are a parent and would want to share them with your family for a discussion starter. Or they may simply help motivate you to do reading projects in the various parts of the Bible.
As an online house of study, the most in-depth feature will be the self-paced, online courses. Combining readings, a few interspersed videos, suggestions for extra research you can do, these courses are designed to make education simple for busy people. COMING October 2012, "Bible History for Beginners." In 2013 courses in the foundation of the Bible (the Torah or first five books), in Biblical Hebrew from the book of Ruth, and in Practices of a Godly Life are forthcoming. Future courses may include Bible Lands, Proverbs and Other Wisdom, Prophets of Israel, Isaiah for Today, and more.
It will take time to build the Ancient Bible site and write all the courses. I appreciate your patience as I work on it. Please refer friends here and to the facebook and twitter and YouTube pages. There are probably many people in your circle who would enjoy and benefit from help in understanding the Ancient Bible and modern faith.
Derek Leman

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